I wanted to send an update on the upcoming women’s circle that will take place at Unity of Birmingham the 2nd Sunday of every month.
These meetings will take place in my space; however, we will likely move to another place in the building or to another location as the group grows over time.
The purpose of this group is to provide a safe place for women in the healing community (and their communities) to remember our truth, hold onto our dignity, and come back into alignment with our higher selves and our planet.
Each month we will gather as a circle of women to reclaim our connection to ourselves, Mother Earth, and one another in love. In this time together, many different types of practices will be used to help our bodies and nervous systems calm as we restore balance and step into our own power.
With power comes great responsibility - to ourselves, to the Earth, and to others. Together we will explore how to recover our power so that we can be who we came here to be in this incarnation.
May we all choose to grow in self awareness, hold ourselves and one another accountable, respond with intentionality, and make the choice to help be a light to others.
Stepping into our own power with intentionality and integrity requires courage and enables us to change ourselves and the world around us.
For each meeting, please dress comfortably and bring a notebook and pen in case needed.
During our first meeting we will discuss ways to intend to hold sacred space and will ask that everyone who attends maintain confidentiality for what is discussed in the group.
What: Reclaiming Your Power Women's Circle
When: 2nd Sunday of the Month 4:00 - 5:15pm (Starting February 9)
Where: Unity Church of Birmingham
Normally this might run from 4:30-6:00, but because the super bowl is this weekend we are altering the time.
If you are interested in participating in the group, please respond to this email for space planning purposes.
Thank you,
Wednesday Evening Gathering
This week, like every week, we will gather in community, with a beverage, and listen to the alchemy sound bowls. I know it is warm, but we are still at Imbolc. That is the time period where the seeds are cracking under ground, life is getting ready to emerge.
Click here to join us to foster the seeds inside. Online registration closes at 6 on Tuesday. Otherwise, reply to the email or send a text.
We have been fostering the seeds of being sublime, unapologetic authenticity, abundance, personal agency and much more. We can nurture whatever energy you like to bring to the circle.
Private sessions
My gift, or my medicine as some say, is that I bring a lightness to some of the hardest things.If you are ready for a transformation like that, I am here.
I want to connect you to your body for all kinds of health and wellness, I want to support you in your relationships, I want you to feel peace in your heart and I want to help you foster joy in the present moment.
I offer packages of 3 sessions for $345, 6 sessions for $660 or 10 sessions for $999
10 sessions is ideal for a commitment to self. I love for these sessions to take place within 3 months of your package, but I am flexible on that. It is commitment that adds the energy that helps you create the neural pathways in the brain that actually brings lasting change.
Click here to book your first session
Much love