Whenever things go haywire or lots of surprising things happen in a short span of time, it is natural and normal to reach for what feels familiar, to try to mitigate problems, to try to control something… Anything really
It is a fine line between being prepared and trying to control things that can’t or shouldn’t be controlled
In tense times, control is sneaky and we are unaware that we are grasping
Sometimes we are aware that we are frantic, but we don’t know what to do about it
Begin Monday Meditation Now
We started breathing the energy of acceptance into the physical heart and the left side of the heart chakra
We acknowledged that we try to control our mood, we want to control business partners, medical establishments and family members so we brought love and compassion to those controlling parts of ourselves
We breathed in and out the tops of the shoulders to not only lighten our load, but to ebb and flow with Saturn of all planets. Saturn is the planet of structure, one of the more difficult energies to integrate when he is retrograde and asking you to once again loosen your grip on your foundation, allow it to be cracked open and strengthened once more
Patience and trust is what is required to integrate a new foundation
If we try too hard to mitigate and control, we make things harder on ourselves.
As long as we are taking time with/for ourselves, we will know when it is time to mitigate, but when that takes excessive force, we know it is not time
There is a period of gathering data and taking good care of ourselves
Our job is to keep ourselves clear, our bodies clean, connected to the earth and our higher self, move our body by stretching or walking.
All in moderation, then we will be present enough to hear the next thing
We worked with our adrenals to remind ourselves to breathe, so we CAN calm ourselves faster, choose more wisely
It is more important than ever to choose something different. Don’t allow yourself to drop into the same old story of being a victim, being overwhelmed, the stories that say you don’t know how to do this, that you aren’t worthy, or that you aren’t strong enough, that you don’t want to do it anymore, that you are special or different, that you don’t belong
Whatever your story, drop it!
As we breathed into our belly, we were reminded that the future is being created at the same time we are living our present
It is up to you
Choose more empowering choices, ones that remind you that life is ultimately beautiful, that when you pay attention you are supported, that you have experienced love in this life, that you remember what vitality feels like, you have been given gifts and that you DO believe that we, as a collective, are moving forward, even if it is slowly
There is an intelligence that we cannot fathom
There is something larger going on that we are active participants in
How are you choosing to participate?!
Wednesday Evening Meditation
One of my favorite sessions of the week
The Bowls are amazing
If you are feeling called to connect with other people or more deeply to yourself, to experience loving or calming energy, to process the energy of right now please consider joining us
We are present, supportive, safe and we laugh a lot
click here to register
online registration closes at 6pm Tuesday
If it is Wednesday, reply to this email if you would like to join us
Reply to this email if you would like to have a private session
Lately people are seeing results with anxiety, compulsive eating, getting organized and creating healthier relationships
Much love