I want you to know there is no experience necessary to benefit from my sessions or classes. People are usually surprised about how they experience things in my presence that they don't on their own. When we are gathered in numbers, we have access to more energy.
We immediately dropped deep into the expanse of our energetic center of creation behind the abdomen. We felt the great eliminator vacuum any energetic debris from our systems wanting to be released. Any of the ways we talk down to ourselves, where we gaslight ourselves, or neglect ourselves, we acknowledged this as being abusive with ourselves. When we call things what they are, it is easier to change them. We thought about how we would like to speak to ourselves. We worked deeply in the brain, as we have for months, allowing more opening. Today I saw more channels being cleared than usual. The energy moved down into the shoulders and the upper body, heart and back. I have been experiencing this the last two weeks of not just a fusion of heart and mind, but the all our energy centers are being fused in a more cohesive and intricate way to create more productive energy. We experienced a gentle acceptance of the ways we have been conditioned, and as the fusion of the heart and mind moved down deeper into the body, it connected us with the impetus to make new choices. Choices that help us be less frustrated, less controlling, more in flow with natural order, more accepting of the personality of our people, more accepting of the path we are on. It was like a greater merging of our personal masculine and feminine. We were reminded that ideas, intuition and inspiration were feminine. It is the feminine's job to inspire the masculine into action. And how do we inspire the masculine? The masculine is inspired with ideas and inspiration, love and kindness. The masculine is inspired with words of affirmation, sometimes inspired by needs and wants and desires, he is definitely inspired by ingenuity and creativity, adventure, and love. This is how we need to be talking to ourselves if we want to be productive and/or creative. We used mugwort and benzoin oil to get even deeper into the mind. Expanding even more. We brought in the energy of tenacity. The idea that tenacity doesn't have to be exhausting, it is being present and taking action when inspired. You can break through any blocks, and conditioning, with tenacity. The next words were the Great Attractor. I love that we work with a great eliminator first and then we come into alignment with a Great Attractor, increasing our magnetism. As we choose different thoughts, we line ourselves up with the force that helps us attract people and opportunities that encourage thriving. Next we worked with the galactic center. When The Galactic Center and I work together he goes into the fascia. He brings expansive energy all through the body. The Galactic Center vacuums what we don't need and gives us grace with our connection to our higher self. The Galactic center wants to rekindle or reawaken your love of life, your enjoyment of being in a body. How can you nourish yourself right now? Personally, I am working out and cooking more again. I am taking longer showers or baths and using herbal oils on my body. I am going to bed earlier and actually going on less adventures for right now. We fostered mental stimulation and/or physical stimulation because life does not stop in the winter, right now we are just reevaluating how we want to live life and getting more rest in the evenings. It is such a wonderful thing to be able to come together as a group and expand our awareness, calm our agitated minds, tap into our bodies to create more confidence and more ease. We have spaces open for Wednesday evening mediation here
I have put together a series of meditations to get you more balanced, to make you more kind to yourself, and to help you foster better relationships with others
I have been talking to you about my relationship with the planets for a few weeks and if you have been reading my emails for a while, you know that the energy of the planets permeates my meditations even though I am not an astrologer.
It takes all 9 planets to create this balanced solar system that has been functioning for millions of years.
Each of the 9 planets carries a frequency unique to itself. And all 9 planets are somewhere in your birth chart affecting to some degree, your personality, your strengths and your weaknesses.
To go ahead and purchase it click here
You do not have to know all these details below about yourself to have this series of meditations work for you, but I give you this information so you may have a bit more understanding of how and why this series could work for you.
I was born Jan.19, which makes my sun sign Capricorn, which is an earth sign (grounded). I was born at 1:15pm, when Gemini was rising over the horizon in Washington Pa, which makes my rising sign air (free spirited). The moon was in Pisces at the time I was born which makes my moon a water sign (emotional). Those are the top 3 most important aspects of any personality (sun, rising, moon). Which makes me reasonably balanced except I am missing the fire element. And if you know me well, you know I sometime struggle to come up with the fire to do something. Once the fire is lit, I can go full force. Having a relationship with or integrating the energy of the fire planet of Mars gave me the impetus to take action on the creative energy that has been trying to come in for years.
Some people are more water than anything else, others are more fire. It doesn't matter what you need, each element is included in this series and moving through it helps bring air to your fire, water to your earth and fortifies everything.
I am ridiculously excited to share this with you. If you know you want to purchase it, please do so here
If you want to read more about it, click here
At first I wanted you to buy it because I had invested a lot of time in creating it and a lot of money into the digital platform etc, but when I went back to listen to the recordings and edit the written portion, I was so excited for you to buy it because It is amazing!
I am proud of this body of work. It gives structure to the concepts I have been talking about for years.
If you have ever wanted to work with me, but you haven't, or you have worked with me in the past and either just can't get to class or private sessions, you will love this!
This is a series of 9 meditations. Each planet allowed me to channel (for lack of a better word) their frequency and a verbal message to you so that you might feel their energy as supportive as opposed to disruptive. These streams of energy want to partner with you for growth and expanded awareness.
At the end of the mediations there are journal prompts to help you use the energy in a practical way.
This program is timeless!
This is foundational. This broadens and expands the foundation you have been building.
It is fun
It is practical
It will change you slowly and gradually
It will balance you
If you become unbalanced, you will have a meditation to go back to that will remind you how to find your center
It is worth more than 6 private sessions and it is only $77.
This is go at your own pace, but recommended as a 9 week class, giving each planet at least a week to integrate. You can take longer though.
This will help you accept yourself
This will help you accept others
This is an excellent Christmas present for yourself or for someone who you know is interested in self growth or astrology (even though this isn't traditional astrology, it makes it even more personal)
To buy it, go here
The Descent has 5 spaces open for winter to give you a Renaissance of spirit just in time for spring
I am so excited to inform you that the program Morgan Sowards and I have put together, the program that is intended to bring you into spring more alive and functioning in your unique blueprint, as nature intended, is more than half sold out.
That means if you have been thinking about it, maybe you should act now!
We are planning and prepping for the teas, essences, and community element and especially the personal and private attention - to support you in every way we as we descend with you into your Human Design.
*We will help you break out of patterns you submitted to, if you have been pretending that the way you were taught is working for you.
*We will show you how you were always meant to decide, intuit and create your life and your dreams.
*We will help you find acceptance
*We will help you trust the natural order
*We will show you the tools
*We will provide community AND promote self sufficiency
Online or in person
This is the best Christmas or New year gift you could give yourself or your children if they are late teenage or older
To sign up, click here
Thank you so much for reading
I love you and I hope you are having a wonderful December so far