In Monday's meditation gathering we read all the different ways you can use the word sublime. There is experiencing something sublime outside yourself, being in awe, wonder and sometimes a little fear. There is sublime as a concept that is elevated, lofty, or supremely unparalleled in quality or excellence. Then there is a verb used to describe a chemical reaction where something can change states or transform, such as changing from a solid to a gas without having to be liquid.
To me, that last definition could mean that to embody the sublime, you might transform yourself without the pain, the flailing, and self induced torture that often comes with transformation when you reach for what you want and still try to hold on to comfort and perceived stability of the past. Whew, just writing that felt horrific! Are you willing to welcome the new while letting go of the old with ease and joy?
 Once we went Into meditation I spoke of being sublime, where people experience you as something to be in awe and wonder of yourself. Who do you know that is sublime to be In presence with?
What we knew when we came out of meditation was that even though we worked with releasing everything that kept the nervous system from experiencing the fullness of all this, we were only able to embody a small portion of the energy that would create all the sublime experiences that we wish to experience.
This is what we work with for the next few weeks. Thank you Kathryn for making this your word of the year and inspiring this amazing new energy to play in.
I am here for all the kinds of sublime experiences in all the ways described above. And I will prepare myself to experience them to the fullest.
It is an interesting thing the nervous system does, where it won't allow you to experience something as good as it Is offered, or it gives you a crash right after. When we work together in group or privately, that is what we are doing, we are working with the nervous system to train it to welcome more good, to not get as dis regulated when triggered and to learn how to not crash after something amazing happens.
Free Sunday Women's gathering
If you have missed this section in the last few emails, I am starting a monthly women's gathering to support women who have been abused, mistreated, or been held back in their healing by those who they have gone to for support for said healing.
We will meet at 4 this Sunday January 12 in my space at Unity of Birmingham. This first gathering will be talking about what you need that would be supportive, what we want to accomplish with these meeting, and how to move forward.
What I think I want to offer:
A safe space to gather, community, a sense that you are not alone
How to work with your nervous system to heal
How to become more aware to prevent things like this from happening again.
This all will not happen in one session. It takes time.
This type of behavior from those in power has been happening since the beginning of time. I believe it is time to take our power back as people who have a right to heal.
Share with your friends if this would support them
Reply to this email or send me a text to let me know if you would like to join
Wednesday Evening Gathering
I look forward to this gathering every week. I love the community element with the warm beverage which supports community and dropping into meditation with more ease. Whether we have a large group or a small group there is compassion, presence and usually laughter.
We are people on a path. I am not a spiritual guru. I am a person walking this walk with you, changing, growing, making the best of life with all the lessons, joy, messiness that it offers.
The reality shifting planets are all changing sign in 2025. History shows us that when those planets change sign, major things have happened on earth that have changed the course of history. Personally and collectively we are expecting some big things to happen, and when we can be more fluid with our energy, with our thoughts and open our minds to the bigger picture, we can transform with less chaos and turbulence.
Click here if you would like to join us this week or any week in the future. Reservations are required for Wednesday evening. Registration online closes 24 hours in advance. Often there is space available, so reach out here if you would like to join us.
This is naturally the most productive time of year for deep meditation.
Private sessions
This is where we get the real work done. As I stated above, our nervous system is programmed to allow only so much joy, only so much awareness, and programmed with behavior patterns. Our minds are programmed with thoughts about how we should be, what happens in relationships, what happens to our bodies at different ages and with illness.
What I know to be true, is that all that programming can change. Are you willing to get some therapy and energy work to help you reprogram your mind and your nervous system for a more balanced life, or a more abundant life, a healthier body even. Please say yes to you!
Click here to schedule. I am offering a 10 session/ three month package to get you closer to where you want to be by spring.
I also offer 3 and 6 session packages for less intense work or single sessions if you only need a quick balance.
To book a free call to discuss your needs, click here
I hope you are having a gentle start to your new year. Much love and gratitude