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  • Writer's picturesheribagwell

A program to rejuvenate

Because getting older doesn’t have to feel creaky, heavy or hard on the body

The holiday season can be stressful

Why not set yourself up to feel better, think more clearly, manage your time and make it through the season without depleting yourself?

And without gaining those extra pounds!

I am partnering with Healing Waters for a month long program this fall to help you rediscover your health, clear your mind and go into the holiday season feeling more prepared and grateful for life and your body

Hydrotherapy was one of the treatments that helped me recover my health back in the spring

I wish I had understood it’s value earlier. I may never have had tumors in my liver

(imagine the pipes in your kitchen sink, once they are 30, 40, 50 years old, they have a ton of build up, so do your internal pipes, even if you poop every day)

This program is mostly a personal experience, but has a group element for extra support

We will gather once a week to talk diet (it can be whatever diet that works for you), motivation, hydrotherapy. We will have a sound bowl experience and meditation to prepare you to release what isn’t serving you and keep you motivated to maintain good choices

It takes 28 days to create new habits

We will record these session if you can’t make them, but please try to be there.

My sisters at Angel Farms really helped while I was going through this release

You will receive

4 group sessions for support

Sundays October 22 - November 12

3 colon hydrotherapy sessions

3 sessions with me for therapy, energy healing, brainspotting and/or sound healing

One bio feed back session

There is an option to have some meals prepared for you as well. There again, this can be paleo, vegan, vegetarian or whatever way of eating works for you

I will send a link in a day or two to learn more or sign up

Monday meditation started with release

Monday morning before class we were talking about current events, the stories we tell ourselves, and the point in history where we find ourselves - where we are processing more information than we ever have, that change (even though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes) is happening quicker all the time, and the fact we are being asked to be an example of love on a daily basis

As we breathed in and listened to the bowls the first visuals that came in were of the attachments physically releasing

Our attachment to the stories, our expectations, and our delusions all were being assisted by the sounds and vibrations of the palladium and amethyst bowl with all the others. We gently released all these ties we had to the world outside ourselves and our lives the way we expected it to be

We moved our attention to the belly, and breathed in low inviting the energy to move up the body

Where we noticed stagnation was in the lungs and in the occipital bone

So, we acknowledged our grief of letting go of the way life used to be and to the people we have lost

The occipital is where I find much ancestral programming, so we acknowledged the gifts of our ancestors and we forgive our unwell ancestors

What are you holding onto that isn’t serving you?

Are you willing to allow yourself to discover it, even if it is unconscious?

We anchored our connection to the expansion and wisdom from the ethers and the stars deep into our belly

We welcomed the unknown

We opened to the unknown parts of us - outside us and in us

We were asked to continue, through this chaotic time period, to put our focus on what we are creating, the ideas, the feeling of it and if you have something physical in the works to keep putting your efforts there - in the creating

Creating safety by knowing what has so far been unknown, your wholeness, your whole self, being curious about what is available to you that you have been unwilling to play with before

Allow that to unfold over time

There is so much in this meditation that will unfold over time

Wednesday evening meditation

Wednesday evening is the best of both worlds

We show up human and connect to our divinity making us more loving, conscious humans

Last week’s session with the new bowls was beyond words

I invite you to experience the majestic, unworldly sounds

We talk about how we use this energy in a very practical way in our daily lives

We are enjoying warm beverages this time of year

I am feeling the smell of cinnamon in the air

Click here to join us at 6:15

hang out with us until 7:45

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