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  • Writer's picturesheribagwell

A meditation for chaos, Optimal function of the body, Oxytocin is released in group gatherings

Optimal function of the body The western or conventional doctors suggest that there is a range in which systems of the body function, and that is true, but anywhere in that range is not optimal Good health and plenty of energy starts with optimal function of the body Healing waters and I have joined forces and created a program to support your health Body, mind and spirit A more clear and clean body helps the body function the way it was intended I know October isn’t a typical cleansing time of year, but really, can you afford to wait until spring? Are you feeling stagnant, tired, foggy headed, tight around your middle, carrying an uncomfortable amount of weight (I am not body shaming. I am talking about the way your feel) Are all your body systems functioning optimally? Cleansing my body, starting with my intestines made me feel lighter, more flexible in my joints, more clear in my mind. I have way more energy We are offering you weekly group support for the month before Thanksgiving, hydrotherapy, biofeedback (truly remarkable technology), and therapy / energy healing sessions with me There is food support as well We aren’t telling you how to eat, but helping you hone it in a way that works for your body and your life Brainspotting helped me change my relationship with food in a profound way I still love food, but I am not misusing it or clogging up my body with it I want to use Brainspotting to help you with your health Here is the link to register Reach out if you have any questions

Monday Meditation Message There is much chaos in the world right now Conflict in our origins If you are Christian, your roots are Jewish We can feel the unrest and trauma in our bones We had an eclipse in Libra So, everything unbalanced in you is asking to be seen and balanced We started meditation with the feeling of the hands of God on our hips to steady us We played with the energy signature of metals and minerals We softened and strengthened our nervous system We were asked if we were willing to see what had been eclipsed from our view Regardless of how uncomfortable That is when the energy really started to move and free the body Which led us to need to move the body is ways to help the release Moss showed up in Monday morning meditation and in the meditation I led Monday evening, which showed me that was the universal message Come back to the earth Breathe Go inward Be willing to let go of your stories and be willing to see truth, even if it is uncomfortable Open your feet and/ or your tailbone Drop deep into he center of the earth Feel more solid Change is happening, they say that is the only constant This change feels deep and unrelenting Stay sober during this change, is another constant message, otherwise it will actually be more difficult for a longer period of time

Wednesday eve Meditation These sound bowls only add the the community They are so powerful in helping you get deep inside and connect to yourself Our warm beverages soften and strengthen our nervous system in these times of chaos and change We have wonderful smelling oils in the air this time of year to add to the environment and boost our immune system I also run an air purifier I was reminded while reading a book this week that being in the kind of community we have releases oxytocin, which balances your hormones, boosts your immune system, helps you feel connection and just makes you feel like life is better I hope you join us Click here to register Registration closes at 6:00 on Tuesday, but reach out if you would like to join us. We may or may not be full Thank you for being and thank you for reading Much love See you soon Sheri

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