Forgive me for not getting the email out yesterday.
I went to Atlanta to spend the day with my mother. It was a whole ordeal
I took her to her house for the first time in almost 3 months, which I might talk about at some point.
It took most of the day yesterday to process it all
We are headed into the hardest thing my sister and I could be asked to do
It is taking all my tools, and especially the newest tool, to be able to handle it all
This brings me to Wednesday gathering
There is space for you
I will tell you a bit about my newest tool that I am sharing
It is the most wonderful thing
There is a physical, yet deeply energetic, component to self love, to being able to ground yourself and bring stability to your nervous system
All summer long I have been playing in the duality of life, the depth of sorrow for my mom, my sister, myself AND I have been living my life fully with fun and friends, building my physical strength and remembering what it feels like to enjoy being in this body
Much of this pleasure and increased physical embodiment has to do with hormones and chemicals the body naturally produces under the right conditions. I am so grateful I have the tools to process and release the stress and move into joy.
For a long time, I had been missing the physical piece of a self love experience. This summer I recognized it as a chemical or hormone deficiency. And I have figured out how to stimulate the production of oxytocin, the chemical of bonding, with myself to be able to regulate my nervous system and truly feel the depth of self love in my body with myself
Last week I started to work with my regular crowd with this concept and this week, I have made it even more simple
Online registration is closed for tonight’s class, but there is space
If you would like to join us to play with self love, joy, connection to self and with each other, reply to this email or send a text to (770)235-7599
We would love to have you