It has been a long time since I engaged this way, but I wanted to get across in a myriad of ways that when you have an important goal in mind, and it requires focus, that it isn’t one choice that gets you there
It takes a million choices
I chose what I put in and on my body, what thoughts I allowed in my mind
I chose whose emotions I managed (only my own)
I chose my support team
Honestly, it was choosing to remember who I am that had the biggest impact
I invite you to remember who you are
Click here or on the photo below to watch the 7 minute video
Wednesday evening meditation As always, consider joining us for community and connection We are here to support you Last week one of our regulars told us that he is starting to feel the charge in his body when his body is asking for support Like any relationship, the one with yourself needs fostering, care and attention
I feel so Honored/Grateful to know you! I am so Grateful you choose to be here!! Thank you for always sharing your gifts!!!Deeply loved, you are!!! 🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜