What if it were possible to experience lasting health, true wellness, vibrant, playful relationships, and an embodied resilience to meet life's challenges with care?
How would it feel to re-wire neural pathways to release toxic patterns in your body, mind and relationships, and to experience true vitality?
Who would you become if you knew you could meet all of life's challenges and transitions, fully connected to your body, without self-abandonment, addiction or dissociation?

It truly is possible. ​
We can feel full, vibrant, playful, nourished, flexible and strong when we grow our body's capacity for embodied presence.
My approach combines care for the nervous system, brain patterns, and emotional body through breathwork, brainspotting, and intuitive guidance.
How Therapy and Meditation Changes Our Lives
Helps you sleep better
" I just slept all night without waking up!"
Decreases anxiety & depression
"So far I’ve noticed that I’m not reacting to things the same. Like I am not as emotionally attaching to everyone I see and hear and read I like this much better."
Reduces stress levels
“I went to Easter dinner with my family and brother never got under my skin at all, as a matter of fact, not much gets under my skin lately. Thank you so much"
Increase Awareness & Clarity
“I am more present. I can see more clearly what I actually want and the small changes I need to make in order for that to happen”

We live in a world designed to distract us from the power of embodied presence.
Imagine feeling comfortable in your body, like you have a connection to the wisdom of the universe, that being human is a gift because you can feel your connection to the natural order. You can feel your days unfold with ease, and your path to the future being lit before you.
If you have spent your whole life feeling something was missing but you have no idea what it is, welcome!
I will help tap you into the wisdom of your body, your inner strength, resilience and vitality, so that you experience true joy and meet life's challenges with resilience.